Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Scattered, Depleted, and Sad

I am emotional and that, my friends, is an understatement. Today has been, excuse my language, a royal clusterfuck. I just haven't been able to stop crying.

I left this morning to go run an errand in the city. Driving in the city makes me anxious. Running errands makes me anxious. The pandemic makes me anxious. Seeing everyone in masks is off-putting and makes me anxious (although it is much preferred to people NOT wearing masks!). I'm not the greatest driver and I made a really bad mistake while driving. Thankfully, I didn't wreck but I've been having a hard time forgiving myself for it all day.

And something was up before that. I started crying as I was driving to the city, thinking about how I've wasted my life and how I would've lived my life differently if I'd known I was infertile (while also remembering that I had, in fact, already written a blog post saying just the opposite--that I WOULDN'T have changed anything about my life). The rational side of me immediately piped up and tried to talk me out of this line of thinking, but... I wasn't successful with myself.

Oof. I've started crying again. I swear, I've been crying all damn day. And I don't know why.

But I can guess.

The pandemic, my teaching job ended, I need to move, I need to find a place to move to, and I am so so so sick of moving. Everything is harder in a pandemic. I'm stressed, I'm maxed out, I'm emotional. My mom has been a total jerk to me for a solid year and a half now and I have run out of ideas for how to manage our relationship. I'm still healing from infertility, I think I'm still processing my divorce (which I know was the right decision but it's still very difficult to process), and I have not had a break from major life stressors in NINE years.

Did I mention the pandemic? Everything was hard enough before the virus; now everything feels almost insurmountable.

Plus I've struck out on all three important errands I tried to take care of this week.

Did I mention I can't stop crying? That's my go-to response when I am completely scattered, depleted, and sad. I don't even know how to cope today. I got home from my unsuccessful errand, went to bed, and cried. Then I got up and did dishes. Then I went back to bed and read until I started crying again. Then I took a shower. Then I got back in bed but made myself get out when I determined it would be better for my mental health if I got up. I am driving myself crazy.

I know this will pass. I've had the same mental health my whole life. I have forty years of experience with dealing with myself. And I am soooo much more compassionate with myself now than I was in my teens and twenties. It still sucks. But it will pass.

This post doesn't say much, but I'm having a really hard day and I know that I am never alone, so I am writing this for the other women out there having a hard day too for whatever reason.

It sucks. But it will pass. And you are not alone.


  1. I am so sorry- this is such a tough time for everyone, please know you are not alone. I hope tomorrow is a little bit better.

    1. Thank you Nicola. It is really hard right now. Hopefully, today is better. If not, next week. If not then, well... Eventually. ;) I will hold on, endure, and, of course, keep reading and writing here. <3

  2. I'm really really sorry you've had such a tough day. I hope today will be better. And you're right - EVERYTHING is harder in a pandemic. Isolation makes everything harder too. Stress makes everything harder. So don't beat yourself up. And sometimes, we don't quite know what we are thinking, so our rational selves can't always do that. I know my "what-if" and self-recrimination side has popped up a bit lately too. Sending safe, virtual hugs.

    1. Thank you Mali. Logging on to read two comments this morning felt like getting a hug or having coffee with friends. Feeling seen and understood is priceless. It IS hard right now. And thank you for the reminder--we don't always know what we are thinking... I will continue to be patient with myself. <3

  3. I think Google just ate my comment. :p :( I just wanted to say I'm so sorry you had a really bad day... COVID makes everything harder, no question. I think I've been coping pretty well, but sometimes it all hits me and it feels overwhelming. It WILL pass, and you are NOT alone. And I hope you're feeling a little better today! Sending (((hugs)))!

  4. Sending you soooo much love, and hoping the week got better. It's awful when everything is so overwhelming, when the pandemic and the errands during the pandemic (I cried in the grocery store before all this, so I can relate), and the incredible trauma that you have had to deal with for nine years... so much, and it boils over. I hope it was a good cathartic crying day, and it released your grief valve a bit. Sending you love and a virtual hug.
