Monday, March 3, 2025

Unimaginable Good & Bad

Well, here we are... wherever this is. 

The calendar says March 2025 so there's that. 

January and February flew by in a haze of work and home repairs. Work was hard but good. I like my jobs. Coordinating and paying for the home repairs was not a lot of fun, but I'm grateful there were parts available and labor to do the work. I am relieved to have several big To-Do items off my list. So that's what took up all of my head space for the last two months.

And that brings me to March. March 2025. But I think I already mentioned that. ;)

...It's hard to believe that it's been ten whole years since my last IVF. 

I want to celebrate in some small way on the actual day toward the end of the month, but I don't have any ideas. How do you celebrate recovering from profound loss? Maybe I'll just buy a little cake from the grocery store. I like cake.

Pic retrieved from

Ten years ago I could not even imagine the next day, much less the next year or even further into the future. And even if I could have, I would have never imagined any of this. My life. The world. 

What a contrast. While my new life came together, so much around me fell apart.

Pic retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. You can't go wrong with cake! It's worth marking. Remembering the grief, celebrating your recovery, and your life now. Sending love!
