Monday, May 15, 2023


Yesterday was Mother's Day, a day that used to hurt me but now I really couldn't care less. Like, I just don't care at all anymore. And I used to cry all day long. For years.

I can't believe how much can change. I really can't. Except I'm living it.

Take last year for example. After quarantining for over two years, my boyfriend and I started going out to eat at restaurants. On the second time we went out, it was Mother's Day. Neither one of us even realized it. Ha! I mean, who goes out to eat on Mother's Day and doesn't realize it?? (It was easy. It was later in the day and the place wasn't packed. Then we were seated next to a large table full of men. There were zero Mother's Day vibes going on hahaha.)

And this year? Pretty much the same. My boyfriend and I stopped at a place by our house for a beer and a burger. The sun was shining and it was nice. I ended up running into a former co-worker, and she said something great. She's single, no kids, in her early thirties, and works in pediatrics. She told me, "I woke up this morning and before I even got out of bed, I put my hand on my heart and wished myself a Happy Mother's Day for all the mothering that I do."

Isn't that a loving thought to have about oneself? I've always felt very maternal, so I loved it. :)


  1. Dear Phoenix,
    This is such a happy post. You don't care about mother's day anymore! Wow. It is kind of an achievement after all you have been through :-D.
    I absolutely love what your former co-worker said, too.
    Spring greetings from Switzerland

    1. Thank you, Elaine. Like I wrote in the post, I wouldn't believe it myself except I am living it! It's just such a stupid day.

  2. I love this SO MUCH! I always feel a bit cheesy saying it, but "mother" is a verb, not just a noun, and to celebrate yourself for the mothering you do... BRILLIANT. I'm glad you had a good day! Me, I had family in for Bryce's PhD graduation, so I was way too busy to think to much about it. Which was a sort of gift in itself!

    1. Yesss! Congratulations again to Dr. Bryce and you!
