Friday, September 15, 2023

Peer Support

Most of the time these days I am at peace with being childless not by choice. Except lately I haven't been. I don't know why. Logically, I can appreciate the life I've created for myself. I can remind myself that my kids would grow up. I can tell myself that everything has its challenges. Just like being childless not by choice is hard, parenting isn't easy either.

But there is logic, and then there are feelings. The two don't always align.

I guess it's all a part of my process, a part of my grief. Sometimes I just feel sad for what I've lost.

And that's okay.

That's why I'm glad I have this blog. I have found a community that understands me even when I don't understand myself. I've formed online friendships with other women that support me when I'm feeling up and when I'm feeling down.

The power of peer support is immeasurable.

I've been reading what people have written for World Childless Week this year. It has been really helpful. It happened to occur at a time when I inexplicably needed it. I appreciate everyone's honesty in their writing and bravery for contributing.

Thank you to our community. 💙


  1. Could not agree more, Dr. Phoenix, that we all need validation and twinship (I see you in me!) to help make sense of the volatile and unpredictable world and emotions that often surface when we least expect them. I'm grateful for the community and care we show each other during this past week and through the year. xx

    1. It can be really, really tough sometimes! And that's an understatement. And then, on the flip side, sometimes we have great things to celebrate. All in all, we need each other. <3 Thank you, Pamela.

  2. I'm glad WCW gave you some solidarity when you needed it. Sometimes we just need to feel our feelings, even when we know they're not logical. Perhaps the knowing makes the feelings pass easier? Sending hugs.

    1. Thanks Mali. As you probably know, the sadness comes and goes. It lingers less these days, but it still shows up every now and then.

  3. Huzzah for solidarity! I love this community for that. I love that the content for WCW is always there for when you need it. 💜💜💜

    1. Yes! I will probably go back and read previous years' entries. I think I just learned about WCW a year or two ago.
