Sunday, December 8, 2024

A Preemptive Text

I have an acquaintance who was about to become a grandmother. She was, understandably, very excited about it. I thought about the previous year when her oldest child got married. She was very excited about that too. She shared hundreds of wedding pictures with me, which I didn't mind. She was excited, the pictures were pretty, and it was a very happy event.

But I thought about those hundreds of wedding pictures of people I will never meet when she sent out a group text that the baby was born and all went well. Mother and baby were healthy.

I know myself. I know that newborn pics, especially where the new mom is holding the newborn, are hard for me. I limit myself to pictures of only people I care about, not people I don't even know. I thought I better get ahead of this.

So I sent her a preemptive text message. I wrote, "Congrats on grandmotherhood!! I'll have to catch you beforehand and request that you don't send me any newborn pics. I can explain in person if you're curious. Thank you!"

I felt kind of proud of myself. It was a polite text that didn't overshare. I didn't feel self-conscious for writing or sending it. I was glad I had the idea and sent it before I was bombarded with pics.

And do you know what this acquaintance said the first time I saw her when she got back in town?

She literally said, "I know you said you didn't want to see any newborn pictures, but do you want to see just one?"

"No" was my swift, immediate, and one-word reply. 

What the hell?? Someone sends you a text like that and you still try to show them baby pictures? She has no idea what my experiences are, and she obviously doesn't care. Or, she at least didn't stop and think for even one second.

My flat reply made another friend laugh. She was right there, knows my story, knows this acquaintance, and laughed out loud at my immediate "no." I did not feel laughed AT. I felt empowered. I said no, did not explain myself, and could not possibly have cared any less.

Geeez, what a clueless acquaintance!


  1. I am so proud of you!!!
    And I just can't believe that this acquaintance didn't even care to ask, why newborn photos are hard for you.

    1. Thank you! Yeah, she's pretty clueless and/or self-involved, not sure which... Maybe both. Lol.

  2. Oh for the love. You sure? Just one picture? No means no, lady. What a bubble this person lives in. I can just imagine your "no," and I love it! Yay for the friend who made you feel empowered. At least someone had compassion and a snarky sense of humor!

    1. I thought it was strange. But that's from my perspective. From her perspective, maybe she has never knowingly encountered someone who doesn't welcome newborn pics. But... That's why I sent the text...

      And I can always count on that other friend to have a snarky sense of humor! :)

  3. Well done, Phoenix <3!

    Some people really don't think "further than their own nose" (a literal translation of a German expression that suits this situation quite well, in my opinion, meaning that some people only think about themselves and their own interests. It is not a compliment!

    I am glad you were able to deal with it in such a straight-forward manner.

    1. Thank you Elaine. If I had any doubt about whether or not I should have sent the preemptive text, well, now I know that it was warranted.
