Sunday, July 21, 2019

Taking My Time

If you are dealing with infertility or recovering from infertility, please take whatever time you can for yourself. An hour here, a day there. Fifteen minutes, a quick bathroom break, whatever you can take. Take your time.

That's what I've been doing lately and I don't take a second of it for granted.

I am taking some time off before starting my new job. Even just a month ago, I was in no shape to take on the rigor of learning a new professional position. I suppose that's one thing that has served me well in life: my self-awareness. Thank God. Because I come from a family that does nothing but invalidate my thoughts and feelings. Anyway...

I've been taking my time. And I've been explaining myself to no one. I simply do what I feel like.

Reading, sleeping, cooking, quilting, sitting outside, calling old friends, cultivating gratitude.

I hope you do the same for yourself. Do what you can when you can. And go easy on yourself.


Takin' My Time by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers 


  1. I'm so glad you are doing this. Learning some self-compassion for myself was huge in my recovery, and simply in my development as a person. It makes me a better person. Good for you!

    1. I've learned so much through my experience with infertility. It's one of the many reasons why I enjoy your series about the gifts of infertility so much. There's a lot of pain (an understatement), but there can be a lot of gifts too.

  2. Such great wisdom -- it can feel so much like selfishness when we do this, but it is the best kind of self-care. I'm glad you can do this for yourself and not explain to anyone. Your plans sound wonderful.

    1. I'm extremely thankful I can take some time to restore before starting my new job. I will be such a better employee and co-worker for it. Plus, I just needed to take some time for myself.

  3. I do agree and I'm glad you take good care of yourself!
    I once met somebody who told me: if you don't listen to yourself, nobody will do it for you :-)

  4. Dear Phoenix, this really resonates with me... again ;-). I might pick it up later in a blog post, too. You are such an inspiration <3. It sounds like you are doing an excellent job at taking responsibility for yourself and your own wellbeing. Enjoy your time off before your fresh start!

    1. Thank you Elaine. We usually seem to be on the same page. ;)
