Friday, January 12, 2024

Coping with Trauma Anniversaries

Yesterday marked nine years since my first IVF did not result in pregnancy. I woke up very groggy and dragged myself out of bed. I felt out of sorts and had a rather short, yet cathartic, cry. I had plans to do something fun by myself, but I didn't feel like doing it. I made myself go do it anyway, and I'm glad I did. (See last pic below.) I still didn't feel great but it was better than not going. For a lot of reasons. Out of the house, fresh air, exercise...

Today I woke up, and I didn't feel groggy. Didn't have to drag myself out of bed. Didn't cry and didn't need to. Ran a couple of errands and completed a couple of tasks. Functioning was easier.

It's so interesting how the physical body stores trauma. 

What do you do when you don't know what to do with yourself?

I've been doing a lot of coloring lately. By the end of the day, it's all I can do. It doesn't require thought and it's colorful. It relaxes me and cheers me up at the same time. However, I don't recommend the coloring books that are marketed for adults. Those pictures are too detailed. I prefer the coloring books that are mass produced for kids (but not any kinds related to commercial characters). Those pictures are fun without requiring too much detail. A crayon will do. No need to bust out a sharpened colored pencil.

Where do you struggle? 

Laundry? Dishes? Errands? (Give yourself grace; we all struggle somewhere.) 
For me, it's cooking. But I want to make more meals at home. I was happy when I made this simple dinner this week. I boiled and drained Fettucine noodles. Then I added a jar of pre-made Alfredo sauce and some freshly grated Parmesan. Baked it in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes. Topped with more Parmesan and served with Caesar salad made from a salad kit. Easy, delicious, and affordable.

What activity makes you feel at peace?

What can you do where on even your worst day you can think, "Well, this doesn't totally suck."
Do more of that.


  1. Sending hugs for your anniversary. Glad you're feeling better now. Snow!!! (It's always surprising to me. lol)

    Hmmm. What can I do when I'm feeling crappy? I do enjoy puzzles (crosswords, puzzle computer games, etc). If I have a good book I read. A nap! Comfort TV watching. Generally something relaxing. Although that said, I usually feel better after exercise too. Even though it can be hard to make myself do it. Basically, I give myself some grace.

    I don't mind cooking - though I'm usually not organised enough to do anything in the oven that takes planning. I'm a stir-fry-on -the-stovetop-dinner-in-30-minutes-or-less kinda gal.
    I used to colour and enjoy it. Haven't done it in ages. It's quite cathartic - you're absorbed in it, it allows you to stop thinking about other things, but it's not difficult to do. I love your pic!

    1. I like puzzles too! I haven't done one in a long time.

      Stir fry is a great idea! Especially during winter. I'll try different combinations of proteins, vegetables, and sauces. That sounds fun.

      Thanks for the hugs. I'm glad I have friends who really understand. <3

  2. Sending hugs, too!
    I am so glad you went skiing. <3

    What I do when I am not my best self: reading comfort books, going for walks, listening to French music (somehow this lifts my spirits), watching my favorite Youtube channels, writing into my diary.

    Cooking: in winter, home-made soups are the easiest and most comforting option for me. In our supermarkets you can buy pumpkin slices that hardly are any work to peel, chop into pieces and cook in some broth (ready-made/powder). It won't take much longer than cooking pasta. Then puree and add some salt, a tiny bit of nutmeg and cream or coconut milk to taste. Plus a slice of good bread or a boiled potato if you are trying to avoid bread. I do the same with parsnips. They are so easy to peel and cut, and you can make soup for the next day or two as well. Both also freeze well ;-).

    My laziest go-to is a cooked egg, a peeled carrot to eat raw like that and a slice of good bread (preferably wholemeal). It's not a warm meal, but if you are too tired to cook, it's a sort of healthy-ish option. There are cooked eggs available at our supermarkets which makes this really easy.

    I love the page from your coloring book. You are right: the ones for adults are very detailed and more complicated. I tried one but stopped after a very short time. Maybe this is why!

    1. I like to read too. And music can really help. Sometimes you hear the perfect lyrics that you need to hear.

      I love soups! Why don't I make them more? I even have an immersion blender. I can just boil vegetables and broth with seasonings and then blend them. Your pumpkin soup sounds really good. Thank you!

      Adult coloring books are terrible lol. You can print much better, simpler coloring pages off of the internet for free. Much more fun to color!

    2. Love Elaine's hints, and think cooked eggs at supermarkets is a great idea! We don't have that here. Also, a suggestion for a variation on Elaine's pumpkin soup recipe (I usually fry some onions to start too). Add either some curry paste or curry powder, reduce it down, and throw it over some pasta that is cooking at the same time. Yum! (My sister-in-law made this for me about 30 years ago! I still make it every so often.)
