Thursday, January 18, 2024

Keep Reaching Out

Support is rarely a one time thing. During hard times, we need continual bursts of it.

I'm in a mood where I feel less-than-great. I think I'm feeling anxious, uncertain. Sad.

So I reached out to two different friends via text. One friend is my most recent best friend from where I used to live. I've been lucky to have her in my life for 11 years now even though we actually met for the first time by chance back in 1998. The other friend is my best friend from high school. We lost touch for many years but reconnected through mutual friends, and I am so glad we did. Both these women are awesome! And they knew what to say to support me this morning.

Gahhh this time period of my life sucks so much AND I am feeling very thankful. I have cultivated great support in my life. And also?... This is, by far, NOT the worst thing I've been through. 

So there's that.

But it can be hard to reach out. We feel annoying or like a burden or a broken record. Whatever. Reach out anyway. We need the support and our loved ones want to support us.


Here's something I finished a couple of days ago. It's my first quilt top of 2024, and it's flannel.

This quilt top represents a lot to me because I hadn't been sewing as much since the summer.

One of the significant issues in my most recent relationship was his young adult son who lived with us as an opportunity to save some money but did nothing to contribute to the household or move forward as an individual in society. I don't want to say too much because my experience involves other people's stories, but I will say this: it was driving me crazy!!! As a former teacher and current healthcare professional, not to mention as a childless not-by-choice woman, it was extremely difficult for me to live with someone in my own house who was given multiple opportunities to move forward in life and chose not to.

Plus, he was staying in my sewing room, which is why I had not been sewing as much. I sacrificed my creative space for six months to give him a place to live, which I was glad to do... When I thought he was going to go back to school or enlist in the military or do some job training, all things he said he was going to do. Folks... He did none of the above. 

Did I mention that this was the third time I'd lived with this young man in the last five years?

O. M. G. Living with other people's children (and parenting) is so hard. 

So, anyway, long story short (and I am really abbreviating this painful story)...
I wanted a family. I thought my boyfriend and his son could be my family.
But I realized they are not. They are not my family. 

So the kid moved out and I got my sewing room back. I've been sewing so much more. And reorganizing my fabric. It's healing while my life goes through yet another transformation.


In summary, text your friends. Call your family. Send an email. Write a letter. It's whatever you choose. Just reach out. We don't have to go through hard times all alone.

Also, be honest with yourself. Especially when it's hard. This is where reaching out to a loved one can also help. We can hear ourselves think when we talk to others.

And finally, find an activity where you can get lost in the flow. We can't think all of the time.


Here are some more blocks for the international sew-a-long for my Alice in Wonderland quilt:

The Dormouse at the Tea Party


Some Cake for the Tea Party.


  1. Oh, your finished quilt is GORGEOUS! I love the black and the colours together. (Black is a recurring theme both in my decor and wardrobe - I love it!) And an Alice in Wonderland sew-along ... what fun, even though I never knew these things existed.

    1. Thank you! It's just the quilt top so far. I need to sandwich it with the batting and backing fabric and then quilt it and bind it, but it will be done sometime over the next several months. I enjoy the whole process of quilting, and then you have a quilt at the end! And I really love snuggling on the couch with quilts haha. <3

  2. PS. Yes to all the wise advice you have shared in this post too.

  3. I want to wrap myself in your beautiful flannel quilt. And the Alice squares! I think the cake is my favorite. I am very glad you got your sewing room back, although it came with a loss.
    That "failure to launch" with some young people blows my mind. I know things are different now with the economy and inflation and high housing costs, but to do NOTHING? And monopolize your sanity creative space? Grrr. The best thing people can do is raise adults who will take initiative and not fall back on what's easy. I'm sorry you are learning more ways to rebuild your life and experience hard things. I'm glad you're reaching out and getting support. You are a wise lady, and I'm sorry you've had more loss than seems fair to acquire some of it, but I am grateful that you share what you've learned. Thinking of you and hoping for better days as time marches on!

    1. I love everything about this comment. Thank you. <3 <3 <3

  4. Dear Phoenix,
    You are so wise. And so good in taking care of yourself. I think you should be proud of that <3.
    Yes, support needs to be ongoing. I am glad you reached out. I am glad you are sewing.
    I love the quilt top. It is gorgeous!
    Warm greetings through the winter night,

    1. Thank you, Elaine. Life is just hard sometimes. Support is necessary. Thank you for being a part of my support!!
