Friday, October 28, 2016

I Survived

I survived midterms!

A couple of readers asked what I was going to school for. I want to remain anonymous on the internet. Just having a blog is way outside of my comfort zone. However, as a reader of others' blogs, I always want to know more too haha. So I will share that I am in graduate school for a health care profession. And it is hard. As they all are. Becoming a doctor, nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist, pharmacist, whatever... These programs are very demanding.

But I survived midterms!

But of course I did. Because I am surviving infertility. And nothing is harder than that, in my humble opinion. I mean, quite honestly, who really cares about a test when you've already lost your children?

Infertility changed me. I was irreverent before, but now I'm on another level. Ha!!! My poor classmates, taking everything so seriously... Don't get me wrong. I'm taking it all seriously too. I'm showing up and doing the work. But this program is definitely not the life or death of life as I knew it. The worst case scenario is I fail out and my husband and I move out of state sooner. So, really, the worst case scenario isn't too bad.

But seriously, infertility changed me. For example, I used to be SO afraid of roaches. If I saw one I would throw a heavy textbook on it and deal with it a couple days later when I had calmed down. I know, dramatic and gross. Now I just grab a shoe, whack it, and promptly dispose of the body. The first time I did this it surprised me. I turned to my husband and said, "I survived failed IVF. I'm not scared of roaches anymore."

So, yes, I survived.

I survived midterms. I survived failed fertility treatments. I'm surviving infertility.


  1. I am very happy for you! Congratulations!

  2. You will be a pediatrician!!! That's my guess, and how cool is that! You will be do great in whatever field you chose because you are right, it all seems like a walk in the park after surviving infertility.

    1. Hahaha, no, not a pediatrician- I couldn't handle that much more school!! But I do hope to work with children. I want to work with other people's children during the day and then go home to my peaceful and quiet home at night to enjoy my husband, dog, and hobbies. That's the new plan! :)

  3. Well done on making it through midterms! I agree, after surviving what you've already been through, everything else seems to pale in comparison!

    1. Thank you very much! It's so nice to have people who understand. <3
