Friday, October 7, 2016

Week Old Blog

Wow, my blog is already one week old.  They grow up so fast...  ;)

This blog has already proven to be a great outlet and a great way of connecting with others.  I look forward to what the future holds.  And, as a person learning to deal with the lifelong repercussions of infertility, looking toward the future with excitement is not something I take for granted!

Last night I brainstormed a list of topics and wrote them down in a spiral notebook.  Hopefully, I will continue to post regularly.  On the days that I have writer's block, I'll just look at my list, pick a topic, and ramble a little.

Plus, writing this blog and reading others' blogs is a great study break.  I will write about my school experience sometime, but let me just say, it has not been what I was expecting and the whole thing has been very disappointing.  But I haven't dropped out of the program (yet), and, regardless of what happens there, I am committed to creating a new life for myself.

To anyone out there who is reading, thank you very much!!!


  1. Congratulations on first week of blogging :)

    1. Thank you Klara. I am thankful for you for so much. :)

  2. If anyone had told me when I started my blog that I would still be here 9 (gulp) years later, I would never have believed it. You will go through dry spells where you have no ideas or motivation to write, and other times when the ideas tumble out & you have to resist the urge to post more than once in a day. Just keep at it, and don't get discouraged! :)

  3. I did exactly the same with an A4 spiral notebook! The trouble is, since I started blogging in June I feel much better about everything, much less depressed - and the fiery ideas for posts have really slowed down recently: I suppose that's a good thing, right?? BTW I'd be interested to read about your school experience; one thing I berate myself about is my inability to knuckle down to any sort of adult studying, I'm terrible. Have a good Sunday :)

    1. Hahaha: "The trouble is... I feel much better about everything, much less depressed." :-D I can relate. I'm still up and down and the bad days can still hit me hard and come from seemingly out of the blue, but, overall, I'm in a much better place now than I've been in years. It's a good thing! We have lots of material from our past from which to draw. And, unfortunately, there will still be comments and experiences in the future...

      Oh school... Yes, I will definitely be writing about that sooner than later. It was my effort to throw my life in a completely different direction. But maybe I should have gone in with lower expectations for the whole experience? It is not the answer I thought it'd be. And the studying is kicking my butt!! Speaking of which... I'm off to hit the books. It's a beautiful day to spend inside studying. Sigh... ;)

  4. Love reading your blog and happy you started it!

    I would love to hear about your school experiences too! I went back to school as an adult and I really didn't want to study because I chose the subject not because of my particular interest but because I needed a job and the ability to always have a job anywhere anytime.

    1. Thank you Obie! I'm happy to have another person who can relate to my experience. <3

    2. Thank you Obie! I'm happy to have another person who can relate to my experience. <3
