Sunday, March 21, 2021

A Healing Art Process

March sucks for me. Too many awful anniversaries. 

1. It's the month when my last fertility treatment didn't work.

2. Now it's the month that marks a full year of the pandemic.

3. It is also the month of a domestic assault that happened to me 19 years ago.

Oof. Heavy stuff.

But here I am, unemployed and living the pandemic lifestyle (the kind where I don't go eat in restaurants and haven't seen my family or friends), and it is giving me time to process so much. I've been so busy with infertility, grad school, moving states, getting divorced, starting three new jobs, and moving two more times that I haven't had any time in the last decade to think.

So I'm thankful for the processing time.

Quite honestly, I'm reading self-help books and journaling a lot. I finished The Empath's Survival Guide earlier this year. That gave me some strategies for managing all of my many, many feelings. Right now I am reading Women Who Love Too Much and it is rocking my world. I am learning so much about myself and about my patterns. After that, I plan on reading Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents to help me with my relationship with my mother. 

I'm just sick of having the same old patterns of thoughts, feelings, and reactions so I'm taking advantage of this time I have to give myself a psychologically beneficial staycation at home. I figure it's cheaper than going to some fancy retreat center for a couple of months, which I can't afford and wouldn't do in a pandemic anyway. 

It's hard work. But it's worth it.


Last month I finished reading a memoir written by a woman who started quilting and got divorced after two of her daughters died. I thought it would really resonate with me (and it did!), but then I really hated the ending. Oh well. It was still a good use of my time. As I read, I highlighted text that I could relate to and/or learn from.

Well, then... Fellow bibliophiles, please don't hate me for doing this but... Since I really didn't like the ending of the book, I went ahead and tore out all of the pages where I had highlighted text. Then I started cutting out the various highlighted text. I decided to make a collage. I used to make collages a lot in my teens and 20s, but I don't think I've done it since.

So there I was today, surrounded by words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs... I categorized them. I sorted the text into the following topics: alcoholism, losing my children, marriage, divorce, quilting, spirituality, and miscellaneous words and phrases. 

That's as far as I got today. But it's been a pretty powerful exercise for me. I can relate to and learn so much from this other woman's words and journey. As I continue this process, I will arrange the various text and glue them into pages of my sketchbook, combining them with printed images and/or swatches of fabric. 

Why? Just because.
Because I want to. Because I'm learning from it. Because it feels good to create.

I don't think the final product will look "good." But that's not the point. (I'm already regretting using yellow highlighter. I much prefer the cool color palette and wish I would've used a light blue or lavender highlighter.) Then I remembered that I made a collage of my ripped up journal entries after I broke up with the boyfriend that did what I mentioned in #3 above. I totally forgot about that painful collage until tonight. 

Writing and creating is how I process. 

I went many, many years without making anything. And now I am on a roll! Quilting, a newly started collage, and I'm even cooking a bit. (I made two quiches to celebrate Pi Day last Sunday, 3/14.) I know sooner or later I will get out my beads and leather cord that are all still boxed up and start making beaded wrap bracelets again. 

It feels so good to create again. It feels so good to be able to create again.


Healing is possible. 

It cannot be rushed. 

But healing is possible.


  1. I am so sorry that March sucks so much. That is a lot to process. Actually, I LOVE what you did to that book! I would live to see the collage, but get that it sounds intensely personal. You are so right -- healing is a long game. It sounds like you are taking this time to do some very hard work. 💜

    1. Thank you so much Jess. <3 I was afraid this post was too long-winded, uninteresting, and not relatable. I don't usually doubt writing a post, but I wasn't so sure about this one... I would love to share my collage here when I finish. Will do! Thank you always for your support. You're right: this is some very hard work. <3

  2. Writing and creation is SOOOOO important to processing all the mixed up feelings and ping-ponging thoughts that occupy our busy minds. I'm glad you have this outlet to sort, share and reframe these important ideas and questions. Also send my hugs and best for you during this difficult and memory laden month. I hope April brings much needed cleansing and new inspiration xx

    1. Thank you Pamela. I gladly receive your hugs. <3 I started writing in a journal again back in January when I realized I had a lot to process. 2021 has not been easy so far. Maybe this month will go like that saying for March goes: "in like a lion, out like a lamb..." <3

  3. So beautiful ... sort of like making your name yours, taking these words and making them into art that is yours is so powerful. Good healing does take time, but I'm glad you're creating again, in the middle of a month that is so fraught.

    1. Oh wow, what an awesome connection you made between my name being mine and using text to make art that is mine! Thank you!! So cool!! :)

  4. Dear Phoenix, I am sorry that March is such a difficult month but happy you are making art. It is such a therapeutic thing to do! Sending hugs and my very best wishes ♡

    1. Is it just me or has this month alone lasted two long years?? Haha. But thank you! Yes, making art is incredibly therapeutic. <3

  5. I had to laugh at you ripping up the book with the disappointing ending. What a perfect use of a book that was helpful in the reading, but disappointing at the end! I love it.

    I loved this statement of yours too. "I have to give myself a psychologically beneficial staycation." Such a brilliant use of your time now. Self-care, enjoyable creativity, growth and healing without pressure.

    Sending love and hugs. And roll on April.

    1. Thank you Mali. I'm glad my repurposing of the book with the terrible ending didn't offend you or anyone else so far. :) April is coming! We are so close!!

  6. I just typed out a long comment and then hit the Google "sign out" button instead of "publish" -- grrrrrr! Let's see if I can remember what I said...!

    Generally, the idea of tearing out pages from a book & cutting them to pieces would make me CRINGE! lol But I actually love this!! We did some collage work in our pregnancy loss support group, using both words & images from old magazines, and then talking about why we chose the images we did. Very therapeutic, and very interesting to see what people came up with! (I still have every one I made!)

    I hope April is better for you! (((Hugs)))

    1. Thank you for retyping your comment, Loribeth. I really appreciate it. <3

      Yes, defacing a book would normally make me cringe too. But not in this case. Did I mention that I reeeally hated the ending? Haha.

      My collage is on hold. I'm letting the creative project percolate. But I will share here when it's completed.

      I love that you did a similar project. It's so therapeutic and healing. <3
