Monday, April 4, 2022

A Fresh Restart

Hello from the other side of March! Not gonna lie, that month was tough for me this year. 

I have felt so much better when waking up these last several days. My boyfriend thinks it's directly related to the seasons/weather/sunshine, but I am not so convinced... I really think it's related to trauma. But, as it is with a lot of things, it's probably a little bit of both. I also think there's something to the fact that it was finally a safe time for me to feel so miserable. 


Last month had some dark moments.
They were exhausting. It sucked. And now it's in the past.

There were a couple of times where I wondered if I needed to bring in some more support. I am not afraid to ask for help, but I'm not always aware of when I reach that point. I informally assessed my life but determined I was still functioning. So I just continued to feel and process.

And now I am here... Just simply feeling better. Maybe it's the weather; maybe it was the passing of time. Maybe it's just the ebb and flow of life.

Hard times happen.
Pause, acknowledge, and keep going.

I stepped outside my front door and look! Something is growing! Someone has previously planted something here! I'm excited to see what it is (as long as the animals don't eat it first).

Also, I have to admit, I am really looking forward to seeing everyone's gardening pictures. I know there are several bloggers who are good at keeping plants alive and spring will soon be sprung. 

I hope this food picture doesn't look gross. 
(Sometime I think food pictures look really gross. Although, now that I think about it, maybe that's just pictures of babies eating with food smeared all over their faces... Anyway!) 

So, yes, here's a food picture. It's kind of a comfort food of mine and I don't remember the last time I made it. But, I was really craving some vegetables, so I made this and it felt really good to take care of myself.

If you'd like to make some, it's roasted vegetables (carrot, onion, and celery with olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper) mixed with quinoa and feta cheese (sometimes I use crumbled goat cheese).

Here's my latest quilt! It's for my dad; he's a huge baseball fan. 

I call myself a sloppy quilter because all of my quilts are full of mistakes. But that's one of the many reasons why I love quilting. You can make mistakes and it's still a quilt! So, as someone who identifies as a sloppy quilter, I am very proud of this binding corner. I think it's the best one I've sewed so far. 


  1. "Hard times happen.
    Pause, acknowledge, and keep going."
    Exactly. I'm so glad you're feeling better. You are so good at knowing yourself - you'll know when or if to seek help, I am sure.
    I love the quilt, and a very impressive corner. As a once-sewer, I know how hard it can be to correctly mitre corners.

    Mistakes are compulsory, aren't they? I know that the weavers of Middle Eastern rugs deliberately put a mistake in, because only Allah is perfect. I like that. It's my excuse for all the mistakes in my knitting!

    1. Yes! I like that!!

      A common quilter saying is, "Finished is better than perfect." I figured, if I stopped to fix every mistake I would have never finished my first quilt. And now I am finishing my 24th... Inevitably, I'm getting better. :)

  2. Wow, 24 quilts, that's amazing :-D! Congratulations.

    I am sorry that March was so hard and glad you feel better on the other side of it.

    Will try your recipe – I'm always looking for ideas how to use quinoa. We have a local producer in our valley, but I haven't found that many tasty recipes yet ;-).

    We have hellebore and daffodils blooming at the moment. They got covered with two inches of snow last week but survived!

    1. Thank you! I'm glad I'm feeling better too. I felt bad emotionally for several weeks (regarding being childless not by choice), but it has passed for now.

      The recipe is a little plain, but I like it. I'm sure you could change it up with different spices. As it is, it's very simple on my stomach.

      Weather in April is so back and forth. I'm glad the flowers survived the snow!

  3. Having just come out of a really terrible March (April is only slightly better so far), I will share with you what I did learn out of a bunch of tragedy. When you are in need, remember that your loved ones WANT to help you. They want a specific task to do for you because they see you struggling and don't know how best to provide what you need. So, even if it's asking someone for something like freezer space (which I had to do), and letting them come pick up your items (because you *could* drive to their house, but why, if they will come to you), it's one less thing you have to deal with. And when you're independent and don't want to ask for help, you can look at it as a gift to your loved ones who know you hate to ask.

    I'm glad April is better for you. New, growing things feel good. Unless they're weeds...

    1. You are so right. People who love us want to help us. I mean, I want to help the people that I love so of course they want to help me too. My family is honestly not the best at giving me what I need, but thankfully my boyfriend is my best friend. It's important that we don't do everything alone. That was my marriage and it was lonely.

      Yes to new, growing things!! We are having another spell of cold weather, but at least the change of seasons is upon us.

      Hope your April keeps getting better... <3

  4. Ooof, spring is a double-edged sword. But I'm glad you could take time and sit with it and then take care of yourself! I think those are tulips poking out of the ground! So jealous, I love tulips but they are basically deer candy so a no-go where I live. Love seeing everything sprouting up and greening up though. So hopeful. WOW to the quilt! Gorgeous! And a big HAHA to the food photo -- it looks delicious but I feel like beige foods never photograph super well. Great point -- people complain about food pictures on social media but mushy baby food all over a tiny human is not very appetizing either and no one has a problem with those! (Or birth photos, yipes.)

    I'm glad you are on the other side of the last dark moments. You have such a healthy attitude. <3

    1. Well, if they are tulips and tulips are deer candy, then I'm afraid they won't last very long around here... I'll take a pic if they live long enough to bloom!

      Yeah, I really really reeeally hate pics of babies with food smeared all over their face, probably more than I hate an unexpected sonogram photo. Eh, maybe I hate them the same amount. One is gross while the other is extremely personal.

      I'm on the other side of March, but, dang, this world is tough to live in right now...


  5. It's been a very LOOOONNNGGGGG winter. I share your relief that spring is finally here, or almost here! (Hang in there!) And I love your quilt! :)

    1. Aaand it snowed overnight!! Oh well. That's April for you. It's part of the process. Spring will come eventually.

      And thank you!
