Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mothering Myself

Oh, what a day! I slept horribly, woke up early, and tried to break through my groggy fog with coffee. But then it got good. I attended Sarah's online yoga class and it was incredible. It was so seemingly simple but also a full body experience. And I attended with four other women, two I "know" from blogging and two I didn't know. Altogether we represented three different countries. Pretty freaking awesome. I loved it.

I felt so good and grounded afterward... I ended up going out to eat at a restaurant.


Yes. Yes, I did folks. After practically hibernating for 25 months I went out to eat on freaking Mother's Day. Hahahaha. I crack myself up. But it was awesome. Infection numbers are really low in our rural county so I felt comfortable. Also, we went at an off time (late afternoon--after the church crowd, before the dinner crowd) so it wasn't crowded, which added to our comfort. I ordered bacon wrapped shrimp, which I used to eat every Friday night but haven't had since I moved out of state FOUR years ago. Then a large party of four men and four teenage boys sat in the same area as us. Not a Mother's Day vibe in sight, ha! No one wished me a Happy Mother's Day and nobody offered me a flower (which, honestly, I would have taken lol). Dear God, the food was so good. Oh, it was so good. My boyfriend didn't have to cook. I didn't have to do the dishes. It. Was. Glorious! And on a day when I used to never leave the house. Wonders never cease...

So, that was my day. And below is the post that I had planned for today. I wrote it a week or two ago and now here it is for you.

Take care of yourself. You are important.



If my mother read this, she would be crushed. She has her own traumas that inform her behavior. She loves me. She really does. And I love her.


This is my truth.


I was emotionally neglected as a child. My feelings were discounted and invalidated. My developmentally appropriate behaviors were judged and punished. I was called names, told what to wear, and was forced to go to church three times a week. This was during a time when I was enrolled in all honors and AP classes and highly involved in extra-curricular activities. A typical day for me, from waking up to going to sleep, was at least 16 hours long. I was exhausted, not to mention clinically depressed. I was your typical overachiever, but the implied message I often got at home from my mother was that I was selfish and ungrateful.

The thing that sticks with me the most was being told, "I will always love you, but I do NOT like you. I'm going to this dinner and I will pretend in front of your father that everything is fine," as we walked out the door to celebrate my 18th birthday.

I had to be my own mother. I had to take care of myself emotionally. The skills I learned as a child and teenager have served me well in life, but at what cost? 

I looked forward to mothering my own child(ren). I looked forward to holding their hand when they were sick instead of making fun of them for being dramatic. I looked forward to cooking them breakfast instead of sleeping in every day. I looked forward to supporting them through difficult jobs, relationships, and decisions instead of telling them that they didn't deserve to make more money or telling them, "That's just life."

I know it wouldn't have been fair to my child(ren). It was not up to my kids to help me heal my childhood wounds. But I will always be honest and... Honestly? I was looking forward to creating what I never had.

I didn't feel supported emotionally when I was young and I don't have a healthy adult relationship with my mother now. The criticism and attempts to control me have never stopped. I never seem to be doing the right thing. It doesn't feel good, but I no longer take 100% responsibility for it all.

My mother had a tough childhood. She has her own unresolved traumas. Older me can empathize with her and I understand that she does the best she can. I know she loves me. I know she wants the best for me, even if we don't agree on what that is. I'm an adult and I DO know what is best for me now.

It's just another thing that stings, another thing that infertility took from me. 

I don't get to mother my children. But I will continue to mother myself.


To end on a funny note, my mom found this card I made her 30 years ago and texted me the picture this morning. You can't say I'm not honest! Hahahahaha.


  1. 1. That card is gorgeous! The honesty, and the sentiment, are priceless. And your mother saved it - so it obviously meant something to her. I'm sorry you had a difficult relationship. But I applaud your attitude about it.

    2. Going to a restaurant on Mother's Day? You're brave! I'm glad it worked out so perfectly, and that you enjoyed yourself! Mmmm, shrimp and bacon, what's not to like? lol

    1. I love my mom. And she loves me. We just don't always communicate well. But we both continue to try and I think that is what's important--effort on both sides.

      That food was so good... I could have been surrounded by mothers and babies and children and accolades for everyone except me and it wouldn't have mattered. I am happy with my life and I was so blissed out on the food hahaha. :)

      Thanks Mali!!

  2. Wow wow wow. I am so glad you enjoyed eating out after such a long time – especially on Mother's day! That's not just a success, that something way beyond that :-D.

    However, I am sorry that you've had to mother yourself. Sending hugs!

    1. Thank you so much. I try to stay positive, but it is really hard. I don't want to speak badly about my mom, especially on a public forum. I had another miscommunication this week where I asked my mother for support and encouragement but instead got berated for "being so sensitive" and told that I was always beating up on her. I keep trying, but I'm out of ideas. Sigh...

    2. I'm very sorry about that. That must be so hard. Sending more hugs!

      And sorry for sending off the above comment before typing my name into the field... that's what happens when I write comments too early in the morning ;-).

    3. Hahaha. Hi Elaine!! <3 And thank you.

    4. Oh wow. I have to share!! I had a great conversation with my mom yesterday. It was kind and loving. We both felt validated and heard. We get so frustrated, but we are both trying. I am so thankful. Just wanted to share! <3
