Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Midpoint of 2023

I may be happier than I've ever been. I mean, I'm still anxious, nervous, sad, and confused, haha. I'm also happy, excited, content, and at peace. It's a lot. I don't mind. I'm thankful.

Right now I'm really busy balancing work and school. I'm very tired. It's a lot of demand on my energy. But soon, I'll just have work. And work doesn't have homework. ;)

But yeah, I'm happy. The biggest reason why I think I am happy is that I did not stay living my old life. My old life was completely structured around having children. Not raising children destroyed me, and all I had left was a life that didn't fit me. So I worked my ass off to figure out something different. And now I'm where I am. Literally. Today is the two-year anniversary of my permanent address. For the second year in a row, I am not moving!!! 

I love having a home. I love having a job. And I love, love, love having hobbies that I enjoy.

I wish the same for you. 💙

And now, here's a throwback to one of my favorite posts. I wrote it four years ago today.

The Cost of My Freedom


  1. "I'm also happy, excited, content, and at peace." I love this. It's such an inspirational message for those coming after us. To know that we can get to this stage is unimaginable when we are going through infertility or are dealing with the fall-out of learning/realising we will never have children. Brava!

    (And now I'm off to read again your post from four years ago.)

    1. I didn't think feeling better was ever going to be possible for me. But when I first started reading blogs, I was glad it was possible for other women.
